Thursday, June 10, 2010

High Income productivity?

Five strategic thrusts have been identified under the 10MP, which was tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday:-
1. Designing Government philosophy and approach to transform Malaysia through the National Key Results Areas
2. Creating a conducive environment for unleashing economic growth
3. Moving towards inclusive socio-economic development
4. Developing and retaining a First World talent base

5. Building an environment that enhances quality of life

I have finally figured out what drives our government. Stupidity. It's not that they believe we'll believe this hogwash, they actually think that simplistically. That spouting crap like the above will help. All the above are just 'fluff' statements. PT Barnum would have been proud...

The rest of the paper on the 10th Malaysia plan had further nonsensical quotes like "Competitiveness in higher value activities necessitates specialisation in terms of having a critical mass and ecosystem of firms and talent to drive economies of scale"... Christ give me strength...

The cornerstone of growth, it's fundamental base in fact has to be education. This would be a fact even in a developed economy with a sound education system (one of the US's most recent initiatives was a ramp in focus, investment and resources in education for instance) When you juxtapose that priority there onto our education levels here that are worse than pathetic and need a major overhaul and yet no mention is made of it in a purported drive to ramp up productivity and income...? You wonder as to the intellect if not the will of the people in our countries administration.


Anonymous said...

you think you've got it bad in KL...
this is a copy of a speech from NHS management cited in the BMJ

Hi, all care providers, managers of care, care managers, professions allied to care providers, carers’ carers, and stakeholders whose care is in our care. (And a big shout to all those service users who know me.)

We report the findings from a quality based review, with a strong strategic overview, on the use of “note pads” across all service user interfaces. This involved extensive consultation with focus groups and key stakeholders at blue sky thinking events (previously erroneously known as brain storming). This quality assured activity has precipitated some heavy idea showers, allowing opinion leaders to generate a national framework of joined-up thinking. This will take this important quality agenda forward. A 1000 page report is available to cascade to all relevant stakeholders.

The concentric themes underpinning this review are of confidentiality. Notes have been found on the visual interface devices on computers and writing workstations throughout the NHS work space. Although no actual breach of confidentiality has been reported, the independent external consultants reported that note pads “present a clear and present danger” to the NHS, and therefore there is an overarching responsibility to protect service users from scribbled messages in felt tip pen. Accordingly all types of note pads will be phased out in the near time continuum. A validated algorithm is also attached to aid this process going forward.

This modernising framework must deliver a paradigm shift in the use of note pads. Care provider leaders must employ all their influencing and leverage talents to win the hearts and minds of the early adopter. A holistic cradle to grave approach is needed, with ownership being key, and with a 360 degree rethink of the old think. All remaining note pads must be handed over in the next four week ” note pad armistice” to be shredded by a facilitator (who is currently undergoing specialist training) and who will sign off and complete the audit trail.

(Please note that the NHS’s email system blocks all attachments, so glossy, sustainable, wood based hard copies will be sent directly to everyone’s waste recycling receptacles.)

Kris said...

Good lord, verbal diarrhea... it's universal...

meesh said...

Well said, Kris. I suppose they think it's easy to fool people... not many would read the plan, though, to be honest.

This is the sort of thing people did after the cold war, I can't believe they're still harping on socio-economic duties. They are corrupt as hell, and they want to talk about competition? Competition with who? Ergh. Christ, give me strength, alright. -_-

PahNur said...
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PahNur said...

Short, sweet and delivering. Love your discovery of this country is not just powered by Petronas syntium blah blah, but mainly by stupidity...LOL!!

The government tells the people of Malaysia, to attain intelligence that of at par with the global standards. The sole reason for that is so that they will have the pleasure of insulting that intelligence later on..some kind of sadism in them.

The strategy states "creating conducive environment", "enhances quality of life".....but failed to state precisely FOR WHOM? Now that's what not stated in between those lines....

This country not only practices democracy by hypocritic standards , the incumbent government take it one step further in turning it into a "Kleptocratic" country, (here, allow me ..

PahNur said...

Education...(rubbing my hands in circular motion...). I so agree with you on education matter. Let's NOT talk about muhibbah or One Malaysia if we are not willing to tackle the root of the problem from 1st base. In the context of injustice, it does not make any difference which race rules be it chinese, malay, indians, dll as long as racism rules because although the dominant race changes in skin color, the story will remain the same, only who's playing who differs.
As long as this generation was raised in a hostile rascist environment, partly by a vernacular education setting, we will continue to breed racists to rule this country. Trust, understanding, empathy between races will never be achieved by segregating them from a very young age.

My suggestion has always remain the same throughout the year. Be done with vernacular and private schools. Come up with one superior intergrated school system that encompasses religious studies for the muslims, cultural studies for all cultures and an extra one language other than own mother tongue for each and every students. The teaching acedemy should be upgraded, overhauled. Teachers should be of variety races and incentives offered. We managed to send ...well, the americans call him "astronaut", the russians,"cosmonaut" and Malaysians call him "gay-or-not" perform blow job experiments in space (what else can you call an expensive experiment that sucks up tax payers' money? see what i mean?), we can definitely pull this off. It's not a matter of can or cannot, just a matter of the will to do so.

PahNur said...

Otherwise, we should all have a National One Shutdafishup Day and not talk about muhibbah...i need another extra laundry day apart from "Merdeka" Day anywayssss

Oops, how rude of me. My ranting is longer than your post. Think I'll bid my farewell now. Great post!!